125 000 Mexico dating profiles
Price: 95.95 USD
Dating profiles with photos of men and women located in the Mexico
Profiles size: 8.132 MB
Photos size: 1.881 GB
Profiles format: CSV, SQL

Profiles fields: id, email, username, name, country, country_name, city_name, birth, min_age, max_age, gender, seeking, astrological_sign, height, body_style, eye_color, hair_color, body_art, education, religion, ethnicity, languages, hobbies_interests_activities, relationship_status, children, drinking_habits, smoking_habits, job, drug_habits, pets, income, looking_for , about_my_match, about_me, photos

Total profiles: 127 379
Profiles of men: 83 219
Profiles of women: 44 160
Total photos: 158 436
Photos of men: 102 500
Photos of women: 55 936

Top 30 cities

Mexico - 37278
Monterrey - 12596
Guadalajara - 6616
Puebla - 3039
Chihuahua - 1990
Veracruz - 1987
Queretaro - 1851
Tijuana - 1688
Merida - 1595
Tampico - 1533
San Luis Potosi - 1340
Cancun - 1328
Hermosillo - 1275
Saltillo - 1127
Mexicali - 1034

Aguascalientes - 1033
Cuernavaca - 1031
Torreon - 934
Morelia - 927
Toluca - 867
Nuevo Leon - 781
Juarez - 767
Culiacan - 733
Reynosa - 711
Leon - 711
Villahermosa - 674
Xalapa - 656
Guanajuato - 625
Durango - 615
Zapopan - 607
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