450 000 Europian women dating profiles
Price: 195.95 USD
Dating profiles with photos of women located in the Europe
Profiles size: 64.632 MB
Photos size: 14.013 GB
Profiles format: CSV, SQL

Profiles fields: id, username, real_name, email, gender, seek_gender, sexual_orientation, birthdate, age_from, age_to, headline, description, country_iso, country, state, city, custom_location, zip, marital_status, looking_for, occupation, language, race, religion, height, body_type, eye_color, hair_color, education, income, smoke, drink, interests, photos

Total profiles: 460 383
Profiles of women: 460 383
Total photos: 460 383
Photos of women: 460 383

Top 15 countries

United Kingdom - 172948
Ukraine - 76448
Russian Federation - 75941
Spain - 46563
Germany - 43023
France - 33070
Italy - 6296
Belgium - 2576
Switzerland - 2143
Austria - 1233
Sweden - 30
Denmark - 26
Netherlands - 24
Romania - 11
Ireland - 10

Top 15 cities

London - 50086
Manchester - 14377
Coruna - 9728
Birmingham - 9354
Glasgow - 6860
Liverpool - 6210
Paris - 5591
Leeds - 5219
Asturias - 4692
Nottingham - 4496
Berlin - 4043
Newcastle Upon Tyne - 3975
Bristol - 3953
Madrid - 3923
Edinburgh - 3735
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Available profiles importing services for this database

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Dating Pro
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Dating profile database installation for sites using VldPersonals dating script details
Price: 129.95 USD