45 000 Lebanon dating profiles
Price: 95.95 USD
Dating profiles with photos of men and women located in the Lebanon
Profiles size: 2.846 MB
Photos size: 0.684 GB
Profiles format: CSV, SQL

Profiles fields: id, email, username, name, country, country_name, city_name, birth, min_age, max_age, gender, seeking, astrological_sign, height, body_style, eye_color, hair_color, body_art, education, religion, ethnicity, languages, hobbies_interests_activities, relationship_status, children, drinking_habits, smoking_habits, job, drug_habits, pets, income, looking_for , about_my_match, about_me, photos

Total profiles: 48 691
Profiles of men: 37 147
Profiles of women: 11 544
Total photos: 60 132
Photos of men: 46 175
Photos of women: 13 957

Top 30 cities

Beirut - 28108
Tripoli - 3850
Saida - 2594
Baabda - 785
Zahle - 692
Jounie - 632
Aaidamoun - 568
Tyre - 370
Aaïntoûra - 339
Bekaa - 285
Aley - 278
Batroun - 256
Achrafieh - 249
Byblos - 221
Antelias - 208

Zgharta - 205
Baalbeck - 199
Nabatiye - 186
Jbail - 179
Tyr - 162
Sour - 158
Trablous - 120
Bikfaya - 109
Aaimar - 101
Dbayeh - 97
Adonis - 96
Ashrafiyah - 89
Broummana - 86
Aaintourine - 79
Aaita ez Zott - 75
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